Young People Are Welcome

Registering with a GP

If you’re under 16, you have no right to choose your own GP and must be registered by a parent. If you’re aged 16 and over, you can choose your own GP.


If you’re under 16, you have the right to a confidential consultation with a doctor, provided you make it clear that you do not want your parents to be told. However, your doctor can refuse to discuss the matter if they are unwilling to accept your request for confidentiality. If you’re aged 16 and above, you have the right to confidential advice and treatment.

Consent to medical treatment

If you’re under 16, you can give your own consent to medical treatment provided you fully understand what is involved. If a doctor decides that you don’t fully understand what is involved, your parents can give consent on your behalf.

If you’re under 18 and refuse treatment, your parents or medical staff may go to court. The court can decide whether to give a court order to override your decision to refuse treatment.


Safeguarding confidential patient information is the responsibility of all NHS staff.    You can see a Doctor or Nurse without your parent or carer and we are happy for you to bring a friend with you to the Consultation. The Surgery will ensure that your confidentiality is respected and maintained at all times in the following way:

  • Confidentiality means that when you see a Doctor or Nurse at the    Practice for any health issue, including sexual health, the Doctor or Nurse will not share the information you give them with anyone else, provided we think you are ‘competent to consent’ to the treatment (competent to consent means that you are fully capable of understanding the treatment and any possible consequences).
  •  Doctors and Nurses seeing young people for sexual health information, advice or treatment will ask you if you wish to inform a parent, carer or other trusted adult.    However, if you do not wish to inform an adult, we will respect your wishes and still offer you treatment.
  •  A Doctor, Nurse of other health professional may only break confidentiality if they think that your or someone else is a significant risk of harm. However, they will not break confidentiality without informing you first.    This means that if you see a Doctor or Nurse at the Practice for personal issues, sexual health information and advice, contraception, screening for sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), or information and referral for abortion we will see you, even if you are under 16, without having to inform your parents or carers.